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From FenixWiki
Outputs a list of functions.
224 functions in category functions
- Abs()
- Acos()
- Advance()
- Alloc()
- Asc()
- Asin()
- Atan()
- Atof()
- Atoi()
- Blendop_apply()
- Blendop_assign()
- Blendop_free()
- Blendop_grayscale()
- Blendop_identity()
- Blendop_intensity()
- Blendop_new()
- Blendop_swap()
- Blendop_tint()
- Blendop_translucency()
- Blur()
- Cd()
- Cd_currtrack()
- Cd_drives()
- Cd_eject()
- Cd_getinfo()
- Cd_name()
- Cd_numtracks()
- Cd_pause()
- Cd_play()
- Cd_resume()
- Cd_status()
- Cd_stop()
- Chdir()
- Chr()
- Clear_screen()
- Collision()
- Cos()
- Define_region()
- Delete_draw()
- Delete_text()
- Draw_box()
- Draw_circle()
- Draw_curve()
- Draw_fcircle()
- Draw_line()
- Draw_rect()
- Drawing_alpha()
- Drawing_color()
- Drawing_map()
- Drawing_stipple()
- Drawing_z()
- Exists()
- Exit()
- Fade()
- Fade_off()
- Fade_on()
- Fclose()
- Feof()
- Fget_angle()
- Fget_dist()
- Fgets()
- File()
- File_exists()
- Find()
- Flength()
- Fopen()
- Fpg_add()
- Fpg_exists()
- Fputs()
- Fread()
- Free()
- Fseek()
- Ftell()
- Ftime()
- Ftoa()
- Fwrite()
- Get_angle()
- Get_dist()
- Get_distx()
- Get_disty()
- Get_glyph()
- Get_id()
- Get_point()
- Get_screen()
- Get_text_color()
- Get_timer()
- Getenv()
- Glob()
- Graphic_info()
- Grayscale()
- Is_playing_song()
- Itoa()
- Key()
- Ksort()
- LCD_About()
- LCD_Close()
- LCD_Devices()
- LCD_GetDepth()
- LCD_GetHeight()
- LCD_GetNumButtons()
- LCD_GetWidth()
- LCD_Init()
- LCD_IntVersion()
- LCD_Open()
- LCD_Quit()
- LCD_ReadButton()
- LCD_ReadButtons()
- LCD_SetBitmap()
- LCD_Version()
- Lcase()
- Len()
- Let_me_alone()
- Ln()
- Load()
- Load_fnt()
- Load_fpg()
- Load_pal()
- Load_song()
- Load_ttf()
- Load_ttfaa()
- Load_wav()
- Log()
- Log2()
- Map_block_copy()
- Map_clear()
- Map_clone()
- Map_put()
- Map_put_pixel()
- Map_xput()
- Map_xputnp()
- Memcmp()
- Memcopy()
- Memory_free()
- Memory_total()
- Memset()
- Memsetw()
- Mkdir()
- Move_draw()
- Move_text()
- Move_window()
- NET_About()
- NET_Connect()
- NET_Disconnect()
- NET_DisconnectAll()
- NET_GetError()
- NET_GetSeparator()
- NET_GetSeparatorLength()
- NET_Hostname()
- NET_IPAddress()
- NET_IPToInt()
- NET_Init()
- NET_IntToIP()
- NET_IntVersion()
- NET_Listen()
- NET_Port()
- NET_Quit()
- NET_Recv()
- NET_RecvFile()
- NET_RecvGraph()
- NET_RecvVar()
- NET_Resolve()
- NET_Send()
- NET_SendFile()
- NET_SendGraph()
- NET_SendRN()
- NET_SendVar()
- NET_Separator()
- NET_Stat_Buffer()
- NET_Version()
- New_fnt()
- New_fpg()
- New_map()
- Out_region()
- Pause_song()
- Play_song()
- Play_wav()
- Pow()
- Put()
- Put_screen()
- Quicksort()
- Rand()
- Rand_seed()
- Realloc()
- Resume_song()
- Rgb()
- Rgbscale()
- Rmdir()
- Save()
- Save_fnt()
- Save_fpg()
- Save_png()
- Say()
- Set_center()
- Set_fps()
- Set_glyph()
- Set_icon()
- Set_mode()
- Set_song_volume()
- Set_text_color()
- Set_title()
- Signal()
- Sin()
- Sort()
- Sqrt()
- Start_scroll()
- Stop_scroll()
- Strrev()
- Substr()
- Tan()
- Text_height()
- Text_width()
- Time()
- Ucase()
- Unload_fpg()
- Unload_map()
- Unload_song()
- Write()
- Write_float()
- Write_in_map()
- Write_int()
- Write_string()
- Write_var()
- Xadvance()
- Xput()