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NET SendVar

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Up to Network.DLL Functions


[edit] Definition

INT NET_SendVar ( <WORD connection> , <BYTE POINTER data> , <INT length> , [<BYTE includeseparator>] )

Sends data in array form or a byte, word or int or whatever other variable.

A null character on the end is not needed:

NET_SendVar( netid , &data , sizeof(data_element)*elements );

Or send an integer:

NET_SendVar( netid , &my_int , sizeof(int) );

Or send a struct:

NET_SendVar( netid , mystruct , sizeof(mystruct) );

[edit] Parameters

WORD connection - The connection identifier.
BYTE POINTER data - The pointer to the data/variable.
INT length - The length/size of the data/variable.
[BYTE includeseparator] - true/false: whether the connection's separator will be added to the data at the end. Default is true.

[edit] Returns

INT : The size of the succesfully sent data. With the separatorlength, if the separator was added.

NET_ERROR_INVALIDCONN - The connection is invalid.
NET_ERROR_CONNINACTIVE - The connection is inactive.
NET_ERROR_MESSAGETOOLONG - The data is too big.
NET_ERROR_SENDING - Could not send.
>=0 - The size of the succesfully sent data. With the separatorlength, if the separator was added.

[edit] Notes

Make sure the data is received properly. If you send a struct, be sure the receiver knows he should be receiving a struct and then receive the struct like it should. NET_RecvVar() is helpful for this.

Network.DLL Functions
Global NET_Init() • NET_Quit() • NET_Version() • NET_IntVersion() • NET_About() • NET_GetError() • NET_Stat_Buffer() • NET_IntToIP() • NET_IPToInt()
Connections NET_Connect() • NET_Listen() • NET_Disconnect() • NET_DisconnectAll()
Connection NET_Resolve() • NET_Hostname() • NET_IPAddress() • NET_Port() • NET_Separator() • NET_GetSeparator() • NET_GetSeparatorLength()
Transfer NET_Recv() • NET_RecvFile() • NET_RecvGraph() • NET_RecvVar() • NET_Send() • NET_SendFile() • NET_SendGraph() • NET_SendRN() • NET_SendVar()
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