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[edit] Definition

INT fclose ( <INT filehandle> )

Unloads a file previously loaded with fopen().

[edit] Parameters

INT filehandle - The FileHandle of the file returned by fopen().

[edit] Returns

INT: true

[edit] Example

Process loadthing(STRING loadpath);
    int handle;   // handle for the loaded file 
    int druppels; // here's where the loaded data go

    handle=fopen(loadpath,O_READ); // opens the file in reading mode
    fread(handle,druppels);        // reads from the file and puts the data in druppels
    fclose(handle);                // zipping up after business is done
    write(0,0,0,0,druppels);       // shows the value of druppels

Used in example: fopen(), fread(), write()

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