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Up to Local Variables

[edit] Definition

INT graph = 0

Graph is a predefined local variable which holds the GraphID of the process. A graphic can be assigned to the process by assigning the GraphID of that graphic to graph. Assign 0 to the local variable graph to have the process display no graph. Keep in mind that this doesn't free the memory used by the graphic; to free it, use unload_map().

[edit] Example

Process cyan_graphic()
    graph = new_map(100,100,8);   // create a new 100x100x8 map.
    map_clear(0,graph,rgb(0,255,255));   // clear it cyan-colored
    x = 100;     //Position the graphic 100 pixels
    y = 100;     //from the top and left of the screen

Used in example: new_map(), map_clear(), graphic, x, y

Local variables
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