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Graph flags

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Revision as of 14:28, 4 June 2007 by (Talk)
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Graph flags are constants you can use for flags (new in 0.89c). i.e. flags = B_TRANSLUCENT will make the graph of the process half transparent (you can look through it). flags = B_HMIRROR will mirror the graph horizontally. Reassigning the variable will unset the previous assignment (in the example the flags variable will be mirrored but not translucent), so use '+' to set multiple values. i.e. flags = B_TRANSLUCENT + B_HMIRROR;

You can also use this in functions such as xput and map_xput...


Constant - Value - Description
B_HMIRROR - 1 - Mirrors the graphic horizontally.
B_VMIRROR - 2 - Mirrors the graphic vertically.
B_TRANSLUCENT - 4 - Makes the graphic appear transparent (50%).
B_ALPHA - 8 - Uses alpha channel for transparency control (to be checked).
B_ABLEND - 16 - Used for blending (needs detail).
B_SBLEND - 32 - Used for blending (needs detail).
B_NOCOLORKEY - 128 - Unknown.
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